
Ess Rúaid (Assaroe)

  • (places)
  • cataracts, streams
Formerly, a cataract (ess) at the mouth of the River Erne.

See also: Áed Rúad mac Baduirn
Áed Rúad mac Báduirn
(time-frame ass. with Ulster Cycle)
A legendary king of Ireland mentioned in some tales of the Ulster Cycle and related texts. According to an origin legend concerning Emain Macha, he ‘shared’ the kingship with Díthorba and Cimbáeth, being the first of them to hold it until he drowned in Ess Ruaid (Assaroe); he is identified as the father of Macha Mongrúad, from whom Emain Macha is said to take its name.

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C. A., Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
November 2016, last updated: May 2020

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